Over the last week or so, I've struggled to get my headers mounted. These are the same headers as were on the car before I decided to tear into it, but the heads are new
aluminum heads from Summit Racing. I had some 3/8" hex head bolts from Milodon as I recall. The bolts interfere with the radius of the header exiting the head. I scared myself several times as the bolts tended to cross-thread. I finally got the passenger side head bolted up, and went to the driver side. As it turned out, this side was impossible without damaging the threads in the head. So I thought I'd try studs. The ARP stud kit went for $50 to $100! So I finally ended up with the $30 Mr. Gasket kit. And I immediately saw a problem with the size of the nuts. The heads were 9/16" with a "built in" washer that was even wider. These nuts would be physically impossible to install without grinding holes in the primary header pipes. I determined that I needed to use 2 studs, and used the bolts on the rest. I ground the hex down from 9/16" (14.3 mm) nuts down to 12 mm (.47", almost 1/2"). It was still difficult to get them started but I was able to get the header mated up to the head. Whew! Another part of the project that ought to be easy, but turned out difficult.
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